Fun fact #2 "Tomkey Cruise had me in stitches for ages" The story revolves around Hikaru, a boy who has made a total mess of Monkey Park by accidentally releasing the Professors experimental devices throughout the theme park. Fun fact #1 "Apes don't have tails" The humour of the game, besides the title is spread out through the entire game and some of the names of the monkeys are extremely amusing. The strange thing about Ape Escape 2 is the lack of real apes in the game as 90% of the creatures in the game are in actual fact monkeys and not apes.
Ape Escape 2 is the sequel to the series and has now been upgraded to the world of 128 bit gaming with improved graphics, gameplay and a storyline that is straight out of a Japanese game show. It was beauty at its most simplistic form. The premise of this arcade game was simple, you had to run around and collect monkeys. Ape Escape 2!" Ape Escape was originally a PSOne game that was highly popular in just about every country in the world except the United States for some reason. "The kookiest game of 2003 has finally been caught on the PlayStation. Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition Revie.Distributed By: Sony Computer Entertainment.Valiant Hearts: The Great War Review (PS3).

For those looking for some stress free monkey catching antics it is hard to think of a better place to turn to. Ape Escape 3 is a good game filled with several tons of extras, three very good mini games and comes at a fairly cheap price. It may not be seen as an essential purchase by many but it certainly is a lot more fun than many other games. Although over familiar at times the title is always a highly enjoyable and imaginative affair. This means that veterans of the series may find things a little too familiar for their liking.Īpe Escape 3 may not be about to set the platforming world alight but to dismiss the game (or indeed the series as a whole) would be incredibly short sighted. However, the selection of gadgets available has hardly changed since the first title which is disappointing. The original playstation version of the game pioneered the approach and the gadgets on display here are still operated by using the sticks in a number of different ways (such as rotating through three-hundred and sixty degrees to hover for instance). The main idea behind the Ape Escape series has always revolved around the use of the dual analogue sticks. Unfortunately, though it is a decent idea, in execution most places where the special powers need to be used are heavily signposted. These allow your character to use special powers for a limited time such as wall running or firing pistols. Mountains of extras aside, the only major addition to the main gameplay comes in the form of the many themed personas that the player can take on. It sounds like the most stupid idea in the world but somehow it works. What follows is a selection of sections taken from the regular Metal Gear titles re-made with monkeys. Here we find that Snake has been captured and the only one who can save him is a highly trained monkey in a silly hat. Once completed however more monkeys become available to catch along with the mini game ‘Mesal Gear’ which is more than enough to keep the players interest for a fair amount longer.Īs the name suggests ‘Mesal gear’ is a parody of everyone’s favourite ageing stealth hero. Playing through the title for the first time will probably take somewhere between six and eight hours depending on if you commit to catching all the monkeys from each stage. The difficulty is set fairly low, but even though you may not find yourself faced with death too often there are so many monkeys to catch and locations to get see that it hardly matters. There may not be strictly speaking anything truly ground breaking on show but what is here is highly enjoyable, with all the film set styled levels being well thought out. Only now monkeys play all the roles.Īll the levels throughout the game are well designed and creative. This time around the levels are themed around various films ranging from Beauty and the Beast and Titanic to Howls Moving Castle and Star Wars. Taking control of either a male or female character you must search around the levels catching a set amount of monkeys before being able to move on. If ordinary monkeys can entertain then adding a silly costume, a hat with a flashing light and using them to parody Hollywood can only be a recipe for success.Īpe Escape 3 works on the same premise as the first two titles in the series. Monkeys, there is just something about them that makes people laugh.